It’s The Most Amazing Memorabilia!

Written by Romina Makrooni

Romina Makrooni received her bachelor's degree in English literature in 2020. She spent a few years teaching English as a second language while in university and also after graduating. By joining Holoflow, she has found her true passion in modern media technology, in the world of the metaverse and volumetric capture.


October 11, 2023

The past would have been nothing but fragmented memories if people didn’t strive to keep it alive through drawings, writings and later on photos and videos. It’s what we do to be remembered. We try to make history, and we keep records and collect memorabilia. We could easily lose track of time while going through the gallery of our phones and remembering valuable moments. It would be even more wonderful if we could experience this in an immersive way as if we’re truly reliving a cherished moment from the past. Good news is that it is possible with 4d volumetric capture. You could capture yourself  or a loved one volumetrically from all angles and save it. Play it back and interact with the memory of that person captured forever in a certain time and place. There’s a privilege with 4d volumetric captures that you won’t get with 360 degree videos, and that is “depth”. It’s depth that creates a sense of presence. You could step into your volumetrically captured human’s world anytime you wish and be present alongside them. See them dance with you, talk to you or walk towards you. It’s the most amazing memorabilia you could ever possess. And Holoflow studio has the ability to provide it for you with utmost expertise.

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