What Are 4D Volumetric Humans’ Use Cases?

Written by Romina Makrooni

Romina Makrooni received her bachelor's degree in English literature in 2020. She spent a few years teaching English as a second language while in university and also after graduating. By joining Holoflow, she has found her true passion in modern media technology, in the world of the metaverse and volumetric capture.


October 23, 2023

Volumetric humans captured in 4D could be very well implemented within different industries.

1. Entertainment

The entertainment industry is the most obvious use case. Celebrities such as actors, athletes, singers, etc. could be captured volumetrically. This provides a nice chance for their fans to meet their idols in 4D as if it were real life. Volumetric capture of humans could also be widely used in gaming. Whether they are volumetric videos of famous people and celebrities or actors posing in war tactics, for instance, the gaming industry could benefit a lot from 4D humans. Additionally, using 4D volumetric humans in the movie industry rather than creating artificial 3D characters could help reduce the cost of AR and VR production faster.

2. Education

Teaching and training using VR have become very popular over the past couple of years. The power of an immersive learning process cannot be underestimated. Volumetrically captured humans could be used in education to help create a highly realistic VR environment for students studying different fields.

3. Tourism

Volumetric 4D humans have huge usage in tourism and cultural heritage preservation. Creating virtual tours of different tourist sights or resorts filled with volumetric 4D humans could help people have a totally satisfying and joyful trip booking experience. Furthermore, in museums or galleries, for instance, there could be immersive tours of virtual humans in 4D dressed according to the culture, living and exploring different historical sights. This could be eternally valuable for cultural heritage preservation.

4. Real Estate

Advertising and presenting properties through VR experiences are becoming more popular each day. Clients could easily take virtual tours of their dream houses without actually having to visit the premises. Using volumetric humans to occupy properties in order to paint a super realistic and beautiful picture could help clients envision their future. The same goes for the architectural companies that try to present cutting-edge designs.

5. Retail Industry

4D volumetric humans possess the possibility to revolutionize the future of online shopping and fashion. It’s all about giving clients the most convenient and profitable experience of shopping online. Models of all sizes and body types could be volumetrically captured wearing various products in order to give customers a full understanding of the details of the products, such as fabrics and how the item is going to look once tried on. Brands could advertise their products on ground-breaking scales using volumetric humans.

It is important to realize that all these use cases for 4D volumetric humans depend on the accessibility of AR and VR technology. We’re a short period of time away from seeing VR headsets in every household as if they’re as necessary as smartphones or computers. It’s time to realize this fact and make your business VR-ready and well-presented with the 4D volumetric humans of the virtual world.

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