How Does Web3 Relate to the Metaverse?

Written by Romina Makrooni

Romina Makrooni received her bachelor's degree in English literature in 2020. She spent a few years teaching English as a second language while in university and also after graduating. By joining Holoflow, she has found her true passion in modern media technology, in the world of the metaverse and volumetric capture.


January 19, 2024

Web3 and the metaverse are two of the hottest buzzwords in tech right now, and they are actually related.

Web3 is a term that refers to the next generation of the internet, where users have more control over their data, identities, and digital assets. Web3 is powered by decentralized technologies like blockchain, smart contracts, and peer-to-peer networks. It enables users to create, own, and monetize their content and experiences without relying on intermediaries or gatekeepers.

The metaverse, on the other hand, is a virtual reality where people can interact with each other and with digital content in immersive and realistic ways. It is enabled by technologies like VR, AR, AI, and 3D graphics. The metaverse is not just one platform or game but a network of interconnected virtual worlds that span different genres, themes, and styles. The metaverse enables users to explore, socialize, and express themselves in new ways without being limited by physical boundaries or rules.

One way to think about the relationship between Web3 and the metaverse is that Web3 is the infrastructure, and the metaverse is the application. Web3 provides the tools and protocols to create and access metaverse experiences, while the metaverse leverages Web3 to offer users more freedom, ownership, and creativity. Another way to think about it is that web3 is the evolution of the internet, and metaverse is the evolution of the web. Web3 is transforming how we communicate, collaborate, and transact online, while the metaverse is transforming how we consume, create, and share content online.

Web3 and the metaverse are both part of a bigger vision of a more open, decentralized, and immersive digital future. Web3 is the backbone of the metaverse, and the metaverse is the manifestation of Web3.

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